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Data Methods


On this Dashboard, values for the EHE indicators are stratified. At the national level, users can stratify by the following demographic characteristics: age, race/ethnicity, sex and transmission category (for incidence, knowledge of status, diagnoses, linkage to care, and HIV viral suppression). Users can also stratify by state/territory and counties for the following demographic characteristics: age, race/ethnicity, sex (for diagnoses, linkage to care, HIV viral suppression, and PrEP coverage). Overall total values (unstratified) are presented at the national, state/territory, and county levels for all indicators.

Age Groups

The data shown on this site are only for adults and adolescents. Data for all indicators include persons aged ≥13 years except PrEP estimates which are for persons ≥16 years as these numbers are calculated using national pharmacy data from the IQVIA Real World Data–Longitudinal Prescriptions database (and not NHSS, which includes persons ≥13 years). For diagnosis data, age is based on the person’s age at HIV diagnosis. For data on persons living with diagnosed HIV, the age is based on the person’s age as of December 31 of the queried year. Ten-year age groups are used with HIV surveillance data to ensure data security and confidentiality.


Data are generally grouped into the following racial/ethnic categories (each race category is non-Hispanic): American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White and multiracial. Hispanic/Latino persons can be of any race.

PrEP data has different race/ethnicity categories due to the source of the data. The categories for PrEP are: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Other, and White.

Some HIV prevalence cases are missing information on the individual’s race/ethnicity. These unknown racial/ethnic groups are not displayed. Therefore, if you summarize the data by race/ethnicity, they may not match the national totals overall.

Transmission category

This is the term for the classification of cases that summarizes a person’s possible HIV risk factors; the summary classification results from selecting, from the presumed hierarchical order of probability, the one risk factor most likely to have resulted in HIV transmission. The exception is men who had sexual contact with other men and injected drugs; this group makes up a separate transmission category.

Transmission category data have been statistically adjusted to account for missing transmission category; therefore, values may not sum to column total.

Transmission category is classified based on a hierarchy of the risk factors most likely responsible for HIV transmission; classification is determined based on the person’s sex.

Persons whose transmission category is classified as male-to-male sexual contact include men who report sexual contact with other men (i.e., homosexual contact) and men who report sexual contact with both men and women (i.e., bisexual contact).

Persons whose transmission category is classified as injection drug use (IDU) are persons who injected non-prescribed drugs.

Heterosexual contact includes persons who have ever had sexual contact with a person known to have, or with a risk factor for, HIV.

Other category includes other risk factors including, hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal exposure, and risk factor not reported or not identified.

Data Sources