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About the Six EHE Indicators

There are six EHE indicators: HIV incidence, knowledge of HIV status, diagnoses, linkage to HIV medical care, HIV viral suppression, and PrEP coverage.

Each indicator was chosen with specific public health goals in mind and in line with the four key strategies of the initiative: diagnose, prevent, treat and respond. Incidence measures our overarching goal of reducing new infections by 90% by 2030. Diagnoses, and Knowledge of Status are all key to identifying which individuals need to be linked to care, and represent important steps on the HIV Care Continuum. Data have shown that upon diagnosis, immediate linkage to care and treatment results in improved HIV outcomes, so it is important to track how these indicators change over time. Viral Suppression and PrEP use will have the greatest impact on reducing new transmissions if they are scaled up.

Learn more about the 6 EHE indicators by viewing data either by demographic or geographic location.

What is Knowledge of Status?

Knowledge (or awareness) of HIV-positive status means a person has been tested and received a diagnosis of HIV infection. Knowledge of HIV status is estimated as the percentage of persons with HIV who have received a diagnosis and is calculated by dividing the estimated number of persons living with diagnosed infections by the estimated total HIV prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed cases) for each year. Estimates derived by using HIV surveillance data and CD4 data for persons aged ≥13 years at diagnosis.

For more specific information about how Knowledge of HIV Status is calculated, refer to:

What Does Relative Standard Error (RSE) Mean?

Relative standard errors (RSEs) were calculated for estimates of incidence, prevalence, and percentages of persons living with diagnosed HIV infection and were used to determine the reliability of estimates. Estimates with a RSE of < 30% meet the standard of reliability and is displayed. Estimates with a RSE of 30%–50% meet a lower standard of reliability and is displayed but should be interpreted with caution. Estimates with a RSE of > 50% are statistically unreliable and not displayed.

To reflect model uncertainty, all estimates were rounded to the nearest 100 for estimates of more than 1,000 and to the nearest 10 for estimates of less than 1,000.

About Knowledge of Status Data

Estimates should be interpreted with caution for jurisdictions that do not have laws requiring complete reporting of laboratory data or has incomplete reporting. Area without laws: Idaho. Areas with incomplete reporting: New Jersey, Puerto Rico. Areas with a lapse in reporting in 2022: Mississippi and West Virginia.

Estimates should be interpreted with caution due to incomplete ascertainment of deaths that occurred during the year 2022. Areas with incomplete ascertainment of deaths: Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah.

Data Sources